Perry Central Preschool and Kindergarten enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year will begin this Wednesday, February 7th. There will be an online link to register your child and "Welcome" enrollment packets will be mailed out later this month with more information. Children who will be four by August 1, 2024, are eligible to attend preschool and children who will be five by August 1, 2024, are eligible for kindergarten. Students currently enrolled in preschool at Perry Central do not need to register for kindergarten enrollment, they are automatically registered for next year. Please contact the Elementary office with any questions at 812-843-5122.

Substitute teaching is a remarkably rewarding and worthwhile career path for people in many different walks of life. As a sub, you get to work with children, set your own schedule, and experience many different opportunities in education. Click below to see the top ten reasons why you should consider becoming a substitute teacher.

Daily Scores 2/3/2024

Daily Scores 2/2/2024

Mark your calendars! Perry Central’s Freshman Orientation will be Tuesday, February 6th in the Cafetorium for current 8th graders.
Information will be provided on the following topics: Indiana’s graduation requirements, Career Pathways offered at PC, Early College & the Indiana College Core, and Dual Credit opportunities. You and your child will accomplish the following very important goals: Scheduling classes, mapping of flexible 4-year course plan to maximize time at PC and career pathway(s) established. Doors open 20 minutes prior to start.
Our goal is to have 100% of student attendance, along with parent(s)/guardian(s). Attendance on scheduling night helps ensure your child's high school goals are met!

Happy Groundhog Day! We are anxious to see what will be determined for the upcoming weather!

Daily Scores 2/1/2024

Perry Central Jr High Sources of Strength members put together a video to remind all, that everyone has personal strenghts that lie within. Stay tuned for more about Sources of Strength. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR3YBNXs/
#good2bgreen #sourcesofstrength

The next episode in the documentary: "From Book Work to Blueprints: A High School Class Builds A Modular Home" was released. Thank you again to Mr. Josh Craney and Mr. Michael Jarboe for leading this project. Construction students turned their classroom into a hub of innovation, mastering skilled trades through the construction of a modular home for Habitat for Humanity. #good2bgreen You can watch now: https://youtu.be/WR4ru4TOcZI?si=zUiLRq-KPsbcl-rI

Daily Scores 1/30/2024

PC 6th grade students created a journey where you could SAIL on the Magical Nonsuch Ship to explore the Solar System in the hallway at the entrance to the Dome. The students did a jigsaw activity in their science classes. As a special note: Nonsuch was the name of the last ship that Commodore Perry sailed on the Orinoco River to the Port of Spain. On his 34th birthday, he died from yellow fever on the ship before reaching Spain. The Houses in 6th grade are named after ships that Commodore Perry manned. #good2bgreen

Congratulations to our Perry Central Pep Band! They competed at the Orleans Pep Band Competition on January 20th and took home the Prestigious Percussion and Wackiest Woodwinds Awards as well as a 1st place trophy in Class A. You can view their performance @https://www.facebook.com/PCCommodoreBand.

Daily Scores 1/29/2024

We are having spirit days Wednesday, January 31st-Friday, February 2nd to celebrate girls’ basketball sectional. Perry Central will play the winner of Game 2 (Crawford County vs. North Posey) this Friday at 7:00 p.m. at South Spencer.
Wednesday, January 31st: Beach Day
Thursday, February 1st: Grout Fit - Wear all gray!
Friday, February 2nd: Crazy Green

Perry Central boys’ basketball team is showing their support for the families of Cole Hinton & Cruz Barnett. Order a "Stronger Together" t-shirt (charcoal softstyle with yellow design) for our Coaches vs. Cancer game vs. North Posey on Saturday, February 10th. Youth Small to Adult XL - $13, 2XL - $15, 3XL - $16 and 4XL - $18. Order form is attached or can be picked up from any of the school offices. Please turn in orders by Friday, February 2, 2024. Pay with cash or checks made payable to Perry Central Activity Fund (PCAF). Proceeds will go to the Hinton and Barnett families. Order forms and payment can be turned into the Elementary, Jr.-Sr. High School or Central Office. Thank you for supporting Cole & Cruz!

Daily Scores 1/27/2024

The boys basketball team is in Knightstown, Indiana today at Hoosier Gym! The JV game starts at 5:00 Central Time! Good luck, Commodores! The game will also be broadcast on radio station CJ 105.7 or you can listen live at owensbororadio.com.

Daily Scores 1/25/2024

Tickets for the girls’ basketball sectional are on sale now. Perry Central will play the winner of Game 2 (Crawford County vs. North Posey) next Friday, February 2nd at 7:00 p.m. at South Spencer. Tickets are $7.00 per session or $15 for all session pass (preschool aged children and younger are free). They are asking fans to pre-purchase tickets to speed up the lines at the gate. Digital ticket links are below.
- Session #1 (Tuesday): https://public.eventlink.com/tickets?t=66274&p=100803
- Session #2 (Friday): https://public.eventlink.com/tickets?t=66275&p=100811
- Session #3 (Saturday): https://public.eventlink.com/tickets?t=66276&p=100819
- All Session Pass: https://public.eventlink.com/tickets?t=66274

Commodore Construction students along with Mr. Josh Craney and Mr. Mike Jarboe attended the Louisville Manufactured Home Show last week. They were presented a $2,500 check for their work on the Habitat home that they are building.