Perry Central will be hosting an American Red Cross blood drive on April 8th from 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. in the Fieldhouse. Sign up and help senior, Chloe Mullins earn a scholarship! Please register at https://www.redcrossblood.org or on the app.

Commodores have had a great day with various competitions! We want to congratulate all of them on their success!
Maggie Taylor came in first place in Health Research Presentation and 3rd place in Extemporaneous Speaking at the State BPA Competition.
Eli Underhill came in 4th place in Computer Modeling and 5th place in Extemporaneous Speaking at State BPA
Briar Mullis, Courtney Peter and Lyla Schultz received first place Financial Analyst Team at state BPA.
Perry Central FFA Members: Gavin Guillaume, Joe Cunningham, Stratton Richey, Justin French and Tyler Kleaving came in first Place in the Envirothon Competition today! Congratulations to our Commodores!

The next episode of Commodore Cast is now available! On this episode of the Commodore Cast you'll hear from our Family Engagement Coordinator as well as a few Wit & Wisdom teachers & students. Listen here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/09i14j3v06Yb0WX967FrtX?si=_Vl0y2b-SOWoXEQUJ1J-Cw

Save the date for our annual Title I Parent meeting on Thursday, March 27th. We invite you to learn about Perry Central's Title I Program, Parent Rights and Family Engagement. or you can scan the code to join us virtually on March 28th at 9:00 AM.

We want to wish the boys’ basketball team and coaches good luck as they travel to Tell City tonight to take on Mater Dei in Sectional Semifinals. Game time is 5:30 p.m. We hope to see the gym full of fans to cheer on our Commodores! The theme is White Out and they are asking all fans to wear white tonight! Tickets can be purchased online in advance here: https://public.eventlink.com/tickets?t=114530

Don't forget to Spring Forward! Remember to set your clocks ahead one hour tonight. Time officially changes at 2 a.m. on Sunday morning.

Congratulations to Brooks Hubert for winning the 5th grade essay contest for the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) organization. He also placed 1st in the state level competition. Way to go, Brooks!

We want to thank Leonard Hahus and his team at Perry County Memorial Hospital for coming to PC to certify some of our high school and 8th grade students in Adult/Infant CPR/AED/First Aid. Students will be certified for 2 years to help save lives in the community and it was all free thanks to PCMH.

At Perry Central, students pursue with purpose to achieve their future career goals. Be on the lookout for videos and articles that highlight careers and the paths our students are taking to get there! This video features, PC alum, Lucas Harth. https://youtu.be/ejZ7rQv04Q4

We want to thank everyone for attending our first annual Euchre Tourney in honor of Freddie Etienne. It was a successful event! We had 62 partnerships playing and made over $2,200 dollars for the Education Foundation, all going toward celebrating our students. The winners were Stevie Etienne & Jason Williams. We hope to see everyone next year for a bigger and better tournament!

The Athletic Department is selling Merkley Meats. The fundraiser runs through next Wednesday, March 12th. All orders & payments are due on March 12th. Delivery date will be Saturday, March 29th. Be sure to find any athlete in grades 5-12 and get your order placed!

Good luck to our Commodores as they take on Pike Central in round one of boys' basketball sectional. The game will be at Tell City High School at 6:00 p.m. We hope you can make it out to cheer on our Commodores!
Tickets can be purchased in advance here:
Session 1: https://public.eventlink.com/tickets?t=114528

In honor of the boys’ basketball sectional next week will be spirit week!
Monday: Pajama Day
Tuesday: Down on the Farm
Wednesday: Generations ~ Elementary: Dress like a Teacher, 7th-8th: Middle-aged Moms & Dads; 9th: Babies, 10th: Toddlers, 11th: Adults, 12th: Seniors, Staff: Teenagers
Thursday: Groutfit
Friday: White Out

Breanne Walsh from EverBody’s Fun and Fitness visited Perry Central to teach our 7th/8th grade PE students different yoga practices that they can use in their everyday life. What a joy it was to see the transformation each student had in those 30 mins alone.

Perry Central Preschool enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year is now open! Children who will be four by August 1, 2025, are eligible for preschool. Please use the link below to register your child and "Welcome" enrollment packets will be mailed out with more information. Please contact the Elementary office with any questions at 812-843-5122. https://www.pccs.k12.in.us/o/pccs/page/preschool-kindergarten-enrollment

The boys’ basketball sectional takes place next week at Tell City High School. You can pre-purchase tickets online (links are below). The IHSAA has eliminated all games "season" ticket option so fans will need to purchase a ticket for each session. Ticket prices are $7 per ticket and additional fees may apply. Perry Central will take on Pike Central in Game 1 on Tuesday, March 4th. We hope you can make it out to cheer on our Commodores!
Session 1 (Tuesday) - https://public.eventlink.com/tickets?t=114528
Session 2 (Wednesday) - https://public.eventlink.com/tickets?t=114529
Session 3 (Friday) - https://public.eventlink.com/tickets?t=114530
Session 4 (Saturday) - https://public.eventlink.com/tickets?t=114531

The next episode of Commodore Cast is now available, listen now: https://spotifycreators-web.app.link/e/V5z8W1dq4Qb. On this episode of the Commodore Cast, you'll hear from high school boys' basketball coach, Jeff Litherland and players. Also, Dana Harris, PC's 7th-12th guidance counselor, will update listeners about scheduling for next year's classes.

At Perry Central, students pursue with purpose to achieve their future career goals. Be on the lookout for videos and articles that highlight careers and the paths our students are taking to get there! This video features, PC alum, Meredith Hubert. https://youtu.be/8OV1oE5-yxs

Senior Night will be held tonight in between the JV and Varsity boys basketball game vs. Paoli. JV begins at 5:30 p.m. Tonight we will celebrate our senior boy basketball players, pep band members and cheerleaders. Congratulations, Seniors! The game will be broadcast on radio station 95.3 WUME-FM and online at: https://fan.hudl.com/usa/in/leopold/organization/16721/perry-central-high-school/schedule?date=2025-02-16T06%3A00%3A00.000Z&range=Week&s=U2NoZWR1bGVFbnRyeVB1YmxpY1N1bW1hcnk2NzNmYWY3YjdiMzAxMTJmNzUxZTg0ZmQ%3D

Perry Central Kindergarten enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year is now open! Children who will be five by August 1, 2025, are eligible for kindergarten. Students currently enrolled in preschool at Perry Central do not need to register for kindergarten enrollment, they are automatically registered for next year. Please use the link below to register your child and "Welcome" enrollment packets will be mailed out with more information. Please contact the Elementary office with any questions at 812-843-5122. Preschool registration for next school year will open next Friday, February 28th.