Incoming 7th Graders and Parents are invited to attend 7th Grade Orientation on Wednesday, August 3rd at 6:00 pm. The evening will consist of a presentation along with time to visit the junior high building, classrooms and practice opening lockers. Cafetorium doors will be open no more than 15 minutes before the presentation.
over 2 years ago, Perry Central
Enrollment for new students is now open. Please fill out the online enrollment form here!
over 2 years ago, Perry Central
The 2022-2023 Perry Central Newsletter is now available online. The newsletter contains important information regarding book rental, free/reduced lunch applications, cafeteria news, and other general information. If you have any questions regarding book rental, please contact the Central Office at 812-843-5576, if you have enrollment questions, please reach out to the Elementary Office at 812-843-5122 or the Jr-Sr High School Office at 812-843-5121.
over 2 years ago, Perry Central
Click the link below for important information about school breakfast and lunch for 2022-2023! The "free meal waiver" has expired, and families will need to apply for assistance this year.
over 2 years ago, Tara Bishop
Reminder that the Sports Parenting Workshop is Tuesday, July 19, 2022 from 7:00-8:00 p.m. Please note location change, this will now be in the Elementary Cafetorium. One parent of each student athlete in grades 5th-12th will be required to attend. If you have any questions please reach out to Ray James at Please also visit the link below to complete the survey:
over 2 years ago, Perry Central
Parent Workshop
Want to donate directly to Perry Central Schools? Click donate now on this post or visit our online wish lists below. Amazon Wish List: Walmart Wish List:
over 2 years ago, Perry Central
The Perry Central football apparel online store is now live to order your favorite shirts/accessories! Use this link to place your order:
over 2 years ago, Perry Central
PC Football
We want to wish everyone a happy and safe 4th of July!
over 2 years ago, Perry Central
Fourth of July
We are looking for small business owners to partner with us to help our students with afterschool workshops. Please see attached flyer for more information.
over 2 years ago, Perry Central
Small Business Thursday
Our elementary team is enjoying their time at CompCon for a 2-day literacy retreat in French Lick!
over 2 years ago, Perry Central
We would like to recognize Levi Clark for receiving the District 11 SRO of the year award. Thank you for all that you do for our school. We are proud of you!
over 2 years ago, Perry Central
Levi Clark
We've recently added the ability to access Highschool and Elementary Announcements along with the 2022-2023 School Calendar. If you haven't already, download our app! Download for Android Download for iPhone
over 2 years ago, Perry Central
It's officially summer, we wish you a safe and happy break!
over 2 years ago, Perry Central
Congratulations to Kyra Hemmings and Jaylyn Jarboe! Both earned their CNA Certification in Mrs. Jill Little’s CNA class.
almost 3 years ago, Perry Central
CNA Certifications
"May we never forget our fallen comrades. Freedom isn't free." - Sgt. Major Bill Paxton
almost 3 years ago, Perry Central
Memorial Day
We can't wait to celebrate Perry Central's Class of 2022! Graduation is this Sunday, May 29th at 2:00 p.m. in the high school gym. Congratulations, seniors! 🎓💚
almost 3 years ago, Perry Central
Checkout our manufacturing students who earned their OSHA 10 Certification! Congratulations!
almost 3 years ago, Perry Central
OSHA 10 Certification
We are so excited to see where students are headed after graduation. They have worked hard, taken advantage of opportunities at Perry Central, and are ready for their next steps. Good luck, Class of 2022! #PCHSalumni #BetterMakeRoom
almost 3 years ago, Perry Central
College Decision Wall
The following students recently earned American Welding Society certifications at Ivy Tech, Tell City: Ryan Berger (Stick Metal Arc Welding position 3G), Braedy Gayer (Flux Cored Arc Welding position 3G ), and Cole Granderson (Flux Cored Arc Welding position 3G). They have been attending dual credit welding classes one to two nights a week, working towards these industry-ready exams. Congratulations!
almost 3 years ago, Perry Central
American Welding
The following students earned their CNA Certification in Mrs. Jill Little’s CNA class: Destiny Enlow, Makenzie Flood, Zoey Burden, Gabby Sparks, and Makenzy Roark. Students must pass a rigorous written exam and a separate demonstration of specific tasks learned while assisting at Ferdinand Scenic Hills at the Monastery. Congratulations!
almost 3 years ago, Perry Central
CNA Certs