In honor of Football Homecoming this Friday we will have spirit days this week!
Monday: Adam Sandler
Tuesday: Jersey Day
Wednesday: White Out
Thursday: Western
Friday - USA

Good Luck to the Commodores tonight as they take on the Rangers! The Commodores are back in action tonight against the Forest Park Rangers. Tailgating starts at 4:30. Kickoff is at 6:30 p.m. Come out and cheer on your Commodores! #good2bgreen! 🏈💚

Perry Central Juniors & Seniors are selling pizza for After Prom. Sales will continue through Thursday, September 8th. These are Farm Boy 14" Pizzas, ready to bake or freeze! Contact any junior or senior and order your pizzas today! https://5il.co/1gsw4

It's been another productive and fun week of learning at PC Elementary. Mrs. Whitney Keown decked out in her referee outfit to teach her 3rd grade class out of the “Playbook” that Elementary teachers learned about at CompCon.
Eva Esarey shared music therapy with some of her students! This week Lisa Lutgring’s 5th grade class read a book about relationships and had a discussion about being a good friend during their morning meeting. #good2bgreen

This week PC's REACH Small Business Thursday group ventured out to Waggin' Main in Tell City. They watched two dogs get groomed and discussed how Waggin' Main became a family business that is thriving in Tell City. Thank you for sharing with our students! #good2bgreen!

Juniors & Seniors, how do you connect with future careers? Learn more at College 101 Night! With a NEW format this year, you will hear a short presentation, followed by an individualized interest-focused experience. Have 1-on-1 conversations based on what you need.
Topics will include: Connecting to Careers via post-secondary education (4-year, 2-year, certifications, apprenticeships & embedded work-place experiences), PC Early College Program, college admission & application tips, financial aid, scholarship tips, and graduation requirements.

Perry Central Varsity Football Team kicks off their season tonight again Tell City. Game time is 7:00 p.m. We hope to see the stands filled with green to cheer on our Commodores! 💚🏈 #good2bgreen!

It's that time of year when we talk about student accident insurance! It's TOTALLY OPTIONAL, and this link will take you to a letter with all the details. Have a great weekend, Commodores! https://5il.co/1gine

We want to thank the United Way of Perry County for all their support with Stuff the Bus and donations of back to school supplies for our students to start off the year! We appreciate your partnership! #good2bgreen!

Today Perry Central's REACH program had their first small business Thursday! V's Sweet Treats came in and baked cupcakes and talked with the students about the business. We are grateful for our local businesses coming in to share with our students! #good2bgreen!

Hey, PC Parents! Please remember to keep money in your kids' lunch accounts this year. There is still time to complete a free/reduced lunch application. Click the link for the paper version or complete it online through Skyward. Reach out with questions! (812) 843-5576. https://tinyurl.com/3wmdk6v4

The student's have made the most of the first two days of school! 3rd graders in Mrs. Whitney Keown’s class made "All About Me" posters to present on Monday and in Miss. Emily Brinkman's room students enjoyed family bonding and teambuilding! 💚 #good2bgreen

Perry Central Youth Softball registration is now open for 1st-6th grade. Registration papers will be sent home with students the first day of school. Registration deadline along with payment is Monday, August 15th, cost is $20. https://5il.co/1fp1n

The first day of school is approaching. We can't wait to have our Commodores back in the halls!

Elementary Book Rental is now available on Skyward for students in grades K-6th. Due to class and schedule changes, book rental for grades 7-12 will not be available until August 31, 2022 and will be due September 12th. If you have any questions or need help with logging into Skyward, please contact the Central Office at 812-843-5576.

Click the link below for important information about school breakfast and lunch for 2022-2023!

Today at 4:00 p.m., local law enforcement officers will be conducting an active shooter training at Perry Central. If you are passing by school this evening, you are likely to see several police vehicles in the parking lot, and this is the reason. We appreciate the time and effort these agencies are dedicating to student safety!

Perry Central is hiring Instructional Assistants for the 2022-2023 school year. Apply online today at: https://www.pccs.k12.in.us/page/employment.

We provide transportation to drop-off points around Perry County on Monday-Thursday that depart PC at 5:30 p.m. If your child will use this transportation in the coming year, PLEASE complete this super short survey so we can plan our stops to meet your needs! Thank you! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/530bus

The annual Back to School Cookout will be Thursday, August 4th, from 5:00-7:00 pm. There will be giveaways, prize registrations, free hot dogs, performance by the cheerleaders, bus rides will be available for preschoolers, and students will be able to visit their classroom.