It's that time of year that we "Kiss a Senior Goodbye" and let them know how much they will be missed after graduation. The PC Key Club facilitates this project and it is usually a favorite for seniors. We work hard every year to make sure every senior gets "kisses" goodbye. If you would like to order Hershey kisses for a senior, please contact Kelly Cash or 812-843-5121 or any Key Club member. Hershey kiss bags are $3.00 each and orders must be placed by Friday, May 5th.
almost 2 years ago, Perry Central
This year, 27 Perry Central students will graduate with the Indiana College Core (ICC), saving them time and money on college. Obtaining an ICC Certificate means earning at least 30 dual credits and saving, on average, $275 per credit hour (a combined savings of $222,750 in tuition costs for these 27 students). #EarlyCollegeWeek @CELLuindy
almost 2 years ago, Perry Central
College Week
Daily Scores 4/22/2023
almost 2 years ago, Perry Central
#EarlyCollegeWeek has arrived! Perry Central Jr-Sr High School is proud to be a @CELLuindy endorsed #EarlyCollege, setting students up for success in college and beyond. Join us all week as we celebrate Early College at our school!
almost 2 years ago, Perry Central
Early College Week
Don't forget PC Football Team is selling Chicken & Pork Chop dinners today, April 23rd beginning at 11:00 a.m. at Leopold Park. Dinners are $10.00 each. We hope you can make it out to enjoy a delicious meal and support our PC Football team!
almost 2 years ago, Perry Central
Daily Scores 4/21/2023
almost 2 years ago, Perry Central
Thank you to Amanda Litherland with Indiana Realty Group for visiting our 6th grade math classes at Perry Central. The students discussed their “Tiny House” projects and they asked Amanda questions about real estate. #good2bgreen
almost 2 years ago, Perry Central
Daily Scores 4/20/2023
almost 2 years ago, Perry Central
Daily Scores 4/19/2023
almost 2 years ago, Perry Central
PC Football Team will be selling Chicken & Pork Chop dinners on Sunday April 23rd beginning at 11:00 a.m. at Leopold Park. Dinners are $10.00 each. We hope you can make it out to enjoy a delicious meal and support our PC Football team!
almost 2 years ago, Perry Central
The Art Department is featuring their annual Paper Mache show "Prehistoric World" now through April 26th. There will be an open house on Tuesday, April 25th after school from 3-7 p.m. The public is invited to attend.
almost 2 years ago, Perry Central
Paper Mache
Paper 2
Paper 3
Paper 4
Paper 5
Paper 6
Paper 7
Paper 8
Congratulations to our Commodore Construction/Engineering Team and Commodore Manufacturing Team for participating in the Conexus Enterprise Competition yesterday! Enterprise programs were encouraged to present a problem in their company and share how they solved it. They did a fantastic job. Some of the judges were ready to hire them! Thanks to Mr. Craney and Mr. Jarboe for leading them (we will hear in a couple of days if they won)! #good2bgreen
almost 2 years ago, Perry Central
We appreciate the Southwest Indiana Small Business Development Center providing students with authentic feedback for their t-shirt enterprise business plan. Our community partners are making a difference once again! When students participate in authentic work it leads to more engagement and deeper learning. The students were great! Now to start the business! #good2bgreen
almost 2 years ago, Perry Central
Daily Scores 4/18/2023
almost 2 years ago, Perry Central
Daily Scores 4/17/2023
almost 2 years ago, Perry Central
Don't forget we are collecting and recycling old PSC Phone Books. Please help us reach our goal of collecting over 700 phone books. We will receive 50 cents for each book collected and recycled. All proceeds go towards purchasing school supplies. All elementary classrooms will receive a reward when we reach our goal! Phone books can be sent with students or dropped off at any office. The last day for phone book donations is April 25, 2023.
almost 2 years ago, Perry Central
Daily Scores 4/15/2023
almost 2 years ago, Perry Central
Perry Central Elementary Grandparent's Day/Elementary Track Meet will be Friday, May 12, 2023, for all Preschool sections, Transitional KG, Kindergarten, Grades 1 & 2 (rainout day will be Monday, May 15th). Grandparent's Day/Elementary Track Meet for 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grades will be Friday, May 19 (rainout day will be Monday, May 22nd).
almost 2 years ago, Perry Central
Daily Scores 4/13/2023
almost 2 years ago, Perry Central
Daily Scores 4/13/2023
Don't forget tomorrow is the last day to turn in items for the Toy Drive! Carson E. Lasher Foundation is having a Toy Drive April 3-14, 2023. All items collected will be donated to Riley Children’s Hospital. Donations will be made on behalf of The Carson E. Lasher Foundation and Perry Central Schools. If you would like to make a cash donation, checks can be made to Carson E. Lasher Foundation. The winning class will receive a pizza party! Please only donate the following items: Electronic light up/musical toys, Fisher Price plastic crib toys, Rattles, Board Books, Ispy Books/Look & Find books, Toy cars/trucks, Plastic Fisher Price Toys, Doctor Kits, Lego Kits, Barbie Dolls, Baby Dolls, Action Figures, Coloring, Books, Journals, Sketchbooks, Nail Polish (No Glitter), Board Games, Earbuds/Headphones, Nintendo Wii (Rated E for Everyone), Grab N Go Play packs, $5-25 Denomination Gift Cards (Target, Walmart, etc.), Lipsmackers/ChapStick. Please avoid these items: Latex, Glitter, Wrapped Items, Used Items, Handmade Items, Cards, letters, etc., Items not in original packaging, Food/Candy, Care Packages, Filled Stockings, Gift Baskets, Political/ Religious Messages.
almost 2 years ago, Perry Central
toy drive