JV/Varsity Volleyball Results from Thursday, 10/6 vs. Springs Valley. JV lost in 3 (25-18, 16-25 and 12-15) and Varsity lost in 3 (15-25, 12-25 and 14-25). We celebrated Senior Night, honoring volleyball, cross country and band seniors!

Junior High Cross Country PLAC Results! Boys 6 official teams, Girls 5 official teams. Boys Individual Results: Reese Litherland 1st- All Conference; Luke Stumler 6th- All Conference; Ben Hubert 7th- All Conference; Ben Beckman 16th; Trey Guillaume 20th; Ryder Polk 21st; Holden Hubert 22nd. There were 43 total runners. Girls Individual Results: Ashlynn Raufeisen- 2nd- All Conference; Mya Litherland- 3rd- All Conference; Olivia Goffinet- 5th- All Conference; Isabelle Butler- 11th- All Conference Honorable Mention; Emery Klem- 18th; Natalie Hubert 24th ; Aubrey Elmer- 37th. There were 39 total runners.

The Merkley Meat for the athletics fundraiser will be delivered this Saturday, October 8, 2022. Grades 5 & 6 will pick up orders at 8:00 a.m. and grades 7 & 8 will pick up orders at 9:00 a.m. at the pavilion. Grades 9 & 10 will pick up orders at 8:00 a.m. and grades 11 & 12 will pick up orders at 9:00 a.m. in the bus parking lot. All orders must be picked up by 10:00 a.m. as the delivery trucks will leave at this time.

Junior Varsity Volleyball Results from 10/3/22 versus South Spencer. JV won in 3 sets (25-11, 24-25 and 15-9). Everyone enjoyed Block Out Cancer night!

Volleyball Results from Monday, 10/3/22 versus South Spencer. Varsity won in 3 sets (25-17, 25-18 and 25-11). We celebrated Block Out Cancer, and Emily Parker for 1,727 career assists (and counting)!

This week Paddle Perry joined us for Small Business Thursday. Kelly with Paddle Perry talked to the students about water safety and conservation. The kids had a blast on the water. Thank you, Kelly and Paddle Perry for providing our students with this opportunity! #good2bgreen!

PC Elementary Students, Paragon delivery date is set for next Friday, October 7th. All money is due by 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, October 12th.

In Mrs. Jenna Simon’s Transitional Kindergarten class, students had a Johnny Appleseed unit, where they were taste testing different apples. Students made a chart about which was the most popular, learned about the letter L and leaves, and painted. #good2bgreen

This week Mr. Jason Barnett’s Algebra II class wrapped up their quadratic units by making and shooting rockets on the football field, using water and air pressure. The purpose was to analyze distance, height and time the rocket spent in the air.

Perry Central Varsity & JV Volleyball Scores from 9/29/22 against Hancock County. Varsity won in 3 sets (25-18, 25-16, 25-18). JV won in 2 sets (21-16, 21-12).

Preparing for college isn’t just for seniors. All high school students should be focusing on doing well in school - your cumulative GPA (from grades 9 - 12) are used on college applications and scholarships. Build good habits to stay on track academically. Get involved in extracurricular or community activities and find a supportive system of people that want you to succeed. Explore career options and what it costs to get there (https://collegecost.ed.gov/net-price). Start saving for college (https://www.collegechoicedirect.com/), and be on the lookout for financial aid opportunities. #whyapply #theyapplied #themoreyouknow #CollegeGo

Of the Hoosiers surveyed in 2021 by the Indiana Chamber, 60% believe ‘a college degree doesn’t mean as much as it used to.’ This outlook is inconsistent with the realities of the current job market. For example, in March 2021, of the 916,000 jobs added to the U.S. economy, less than 1% (7,000 jobs) required only a high school diploma (t.ly/3dyu). Remember, options for college include apprenticeships, certifications, military, 2-yr colleges, 4-yr colleges and universities. Our seniors understand the importance of earning training beyond a high school diploma. #CollegeGo #whyapply

Come join us on Wednesday, October 5th for Parent Survival Night! We will have chili from 5-5:30 pm followed by break out sessions. There will even be a chance to win a gas or Walmart giftcard.

Perry Central is hosting a blood drive in the HS gym on Friday, October 7th from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Please give if you can! You can sign up to donate by going to the web site: www.redcrossblood.org, find a drive and put in the zip code 47551. Follow the prompts and sign up!

Sports Scores from Monday, September 26th: Varsity Volleyball defeated Christian Academy in 4 sets (23-25; 25-14; 25-18; 31-29). JV Volleyball defeated Christian Academy in 2 sets (25-23; 25-24). The Junior High Cross Country Team competed in the Perry-Spencer Invitational at Heritage Hills. The boys team finished 3rd and the girls team finished 2nd. Top runners included Reese Litherland in 2nd and Ben Hubert in 10th place for the boys and Ashlyn Raufheisen in 2nd, Mya Litherland in 3rd and Olivia Goffinet in 4th place for the girls! Congratulations to all of these Commodore athletes!

Weekend Sports Scores:
Varsity Football - Perry Central 51; Clarksville 30
Varsity Volleyball - Lost to HH in 3 sets - 23-25; 13-25; 26-28
Varsity Boys Cross Country Lincoln Trail Invitational - 4th of 13 teams. Top Runners - 7th Place T. Hogan; 9th Place G. Lock; 19th Place S. Guillaume
Varsity Girls Cross Lincoln Trail Invitational - 7th of 9 teams. Top Runners - 9th Place S. Guillaume; 24th Place S. Schaad
JH Cross Boys Lincoln Trail Invitational - 7th of 16 teams. Top Runner in 17th place - R. Litherland
JH Cross Girls Lincoln Trail Invitational - 6th of 13 teams. Top Runners - 7th O. Goffinet; 8th A. Raufhausen; 11th M. Litherland

College Go Week is here! It is an annual, statewide event to promote students thinking about college and their futures. Students are encouraged in various types of training post-high school in addition to career exploration. We want students to know how to connect their career goals with their next steps after high school.
#CollegeGo #whyapply

This week PC's REACH Small Business Thursday group visited Elizabeth Renea's in Tell City. Crystal talked to the kids about how she never gave up on being her own boss! She educated them about her ups and down and how she is thriving in our small town. The kids got up close and personal in how she makes shirts and cups for her store. Thank you for letting us visit! #good2bgreen

Our engineering and manufacturing students are so excited to partner with UE and Toyota on the UE STEM vehicle. Engineering students are designing the inside of the van and manufacturing students will fabricate the components to make a Mobile STEM lab. What a great experience for our students. Thanks to our industry partners for the opportunity! #good2bgreen

Thanks to Boyd Cat for talking to our Diesel Technology students about their apprenticeship program! What a great opportunity to gain experience and an associate degree! They also made a donation to our Diesel program. Industry partners make the biggest difference! #good2bgreen