Starting the week of January 9th, 3-6th graders can be a part of a new evidenced based afterschool program called Life Skills Group. Life Skills Group promotes healthy behaviors through activities to: enhance self-esteem, develop problem solving skills, and help youth reduce stress and anxiety. Students will learn techniques to overcome shyness, communicate effectively, and build relationships. Students will meet once a week for 10 weeks, 3rd graders will meet on Mondays, 5th and 6th graders on Wednesdays, and 4th grade on Thursdays. Please pick up a form in the Elementary Office or email jnonte@pccommodores.org for a copy.

Perry Central is selling advanced tickets for the Boys PSC Holiday Classic. The cost is $12.00 and will cover a single admission for all 3 rounds of the tournament. Price at the door for a single session ticket will be $6.00 per session so you can save $6.00 if you purchase an all sessions pass. Tickets are on sale now in the high school office. You will be able to purchase tickets at the concession stand during the boys JV/Varsity games on Dec. 10, 16 and 22.

Today we celebrated Perry Central's new Career and Technical Education (CTE) building by hosting an open house and ribbon cutting. Our community partners were able to attend a Lunch & Learn, where students from different career pathways presented to our area business partners. Students shared everything that they are learning here and how they can apply that to the real world. We want to thank all of our community partners for their continued partnership, without them, this would not be possible! #good2bgreen

The Jr.-Sr. High school will have Christmas Spirit Days next week, December 12th-16th. (Elementary will be the week of December 19th, spirit days will be announced next week.)
Monday ~ Christmas Pajamas
Tuesday ~ Santa Hats or Reindeer Ears & Christmas socks
Wednesday ~ Red & Green (Red for Ed / Green for PC)
Thursday ~ Winter Wonderland (white & blue)
Friday ~ Ugly Christmas Sweater

Congratulations to Samuel Ball, Molly Briggeman, Alyssa Goffinet and Elizabeth Harpenau for being named Indiana Association of School Principals Rising Stars for their academic excellence!

Families with Students 7-17, our Family First Success program is back this year and will take place January 9-March 13, 2023. It will be held in the elementary cafeteria, once a week on Mondays from 5:00-7:00 p.m. A free meal and childcare will be provided. Participating families will build on improving family relationships, parenting skills, and youth social and life skills with separate parent and youth sessions followed by a fun family session. Forms are available in the elementary and high school office or contact Jordan Nonte at 812-843-5121 or email jnonte@pccommodores.org.

Don't forget the Candy Cane Carnival is tonight from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Lights on will close at 5:30 p.m. and no evening bus routes. We hope you can come and enjoy the sounds of the season performed by PC Band at 6:30 p.m. You can also meet our special guests and enjoy make and take crafts, an Escape room (sponsored by STAND), free hot chocolate and cookies, photo opportunities with our special guests, Scholastic book fair, food for purchase (chicken & dumplings or grilled cheese, green beans, dinner roll, apple crisp), and as always our awesome selection of theme baskets will be available to bid in the cafetorium.

We had some special guests visit the bus lot this afternoon! You can see more of Olaf, the gingerbread man and Christmas tree tomorrow at the Candy Cane Carnival from 5:30-7:30. We hope to see you there!

Sports scores from 12/5/22

The 1999 Football Sectional Team (all coaches, players, managers, staff, and cheerleaders) will be recognized at the boys basketball game on Friday, December 16, 2022. Reception will be held in the High School Library at 5:00 p.m. JV game starts at 5:30 p.m. and recognition will be held between JV and Varsity games.

Perry Central Volleyball Winter Skills Academy is cancelled for this Sunday, December 4th, due to the camp director being sick. We will see you next Sunday, Dec 11th!

Daily Scores 11/29/2022

Daily Scores 12/1/2022

Perry Central is seeking part-time instructional assistants to work with students of all ages. If you are interested in learning more, please reach out a building principal or apply online at https://www.pccs.k12.in.us/page/employment .

Next Wednesday, December 7, 2022, Lights-On will close at 5:30 p.m. and there will be NO EVENING bus routes. This is so everyone can come and join the fun at the Candy Cane Carnival. Thank you!

Thank you Greg Hagedorn for coming to Perry Central and talking to the students about Dairy farming for Small Business Thursday! Special shoutout to his little farm hand Easton for assisting his dad. #good2bgreen

Mrs. Tory Woznicki’s 6th grade class had a “book tasting” last week where her students sampled books and she served them hot chocolate for a sweet treat too! #good2bgreen

Perry Central Family Outreach annual Candy Cane Carnival is next Wednesday, December 7th from 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Come and enjoy the sounds of the season performed by PC Band at 6:30 p.m. We hope to see you there to meet our special guests and enjoy make and take crafts, an Escape room (sponsored by STAND), free hot chocolate and cookies, photo opportunities with our special guests, Scholastic book fair, food for purchase (chicken & dumplings or grilled cheese, green beans, dinner roll, apple crisp), and as always our awesome selection of theme baskets will be available to bid in the cafetorium.

Daily Scores 11/23/2022

Daily Scores 11/28/2022