Good Luck to the PC Golf team at Sectional today. Sectional will be held at Sultan's Run Golf Course in Jasper. 💚⛳

Perry Central Baseball will take on Mitchell at the Regional this Saturday, June 3rd. Game will be played at Mitchell High School (1000 W. Bishop Blvd., Mitchell, IN 47446). Game time is 2:00 p.m. CST (gates open at 12:30 p.m.).
Admission is $10.00, Tickets are presale through GoFan, there will be a secondary cash option at the gate. https://gofan.co/app/events/996302.

Daily Scores 5/29/2023

Congratulations to the Commodore baseball team! They just won the first baseball sectional in school history! What a team! 💚💚💚

Congratulations to the PC golf team on a second place finish at conference! Gabe James was our top golfer with an All-Conference 2nd place finish!

IT’S GAME DAY! Good Luck to our baseball team in the sectional championship today! Perry Central will take on North Posey at 12:00 p.m. CST at Forest Park. Game will be broadcast on radio station 98.9. Let's go, Commodores! 💚⚾️

Wishing you a warm and Happy Memorial Day. Let us remember all our heroes who have left us while saving our lives and our country.

Daily Scores 5/25/2023

Daily Scores 5/23/2023

We can't wait to celebrate Perry Central's Class of 2023! Graduation is this Sunday, May 28th at 2:00 p.m. in the high school gym. Congratulations, seniors! 🎓💚

Daily Scores 5/22/2023

Congratualtions Carrie, we are proud of you!

Congratulations to Elise Lawalin and Ben Hubert for being named the American Legion Outstanding 8th grade students. Pictured are Elise Lawalin, daughter of Josh and Sara Lawalin and Ben Hubert, son of Stan and Leslie Hubert.

Congratulations to 7th & 8th grade academic award winners!

The Class of 2023 took their last walk through the hallways today! Congratulations, graduates! 💚🎓 https://youtu.be/9h92rA2UZZ4

Daily Scores 5/19/2023

We want to thank Josh Harris, Luke Kelly, Karry Labhart, Matt Labhart, Jim Mitchell, Andrea Polk, Michael Simon and Sarah Vaal who came to talk to our 6th graders about their careers last week.
# good2bgreen

Thank you Alie Hedinger, Lori Richey and Angel Rogier for visiting the 2nd grade class last week. Students were able to listen to each speaker talk about their careers.

We want to thank Cynthia Dauby, Greg Hagedorn, Pam Jaminczky, David Lynch, Brandon Sabelhaus and Jared Smith who talked to our 1st grade class last week about their careers.

A wide range of college experiences were shared from a college athlete to college students that live on campus to commuters. Thank you Emma Hubert, Stella Hubert, Clay Mitchell, Patrick Mitchell and Mattie Robertson for sharing your experiences with our 6th graders.