Box Tops for Education has some BIG news! Now when you buy participating products at Walmart in-store or online, you’ll earn Box Tops for Perry Central — no scanning required. Earning has never been easier. Just connect your Box Tops and Walmart accounts in the Box Tops app! Visit online to learn more info:
11 months ago, Perry Central
box tops
Don't forget, the blood drive tomorrow, April 9th from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on the stage in the cafetorium. Please give if you can! You can sign up to donate by going to the web site:, find a drive and put in the zip code 47551. Follow the prompts and sign up or you can also register on the Red Cross App. Units collected will count towards Perry Central’s senior Lilly Hurm's scholarship dollars!
11 months ago, Perry Central
blood drive
Don't forget to register for Digital Tools 101. This workshop will be held tomorrow, April 9th from 6:00-7:30 p.m. in the Elementary Cafeteria. Registration link is below, a light meal will be provided. Digital Tools 101 workshop is about digital tools related to your child’s education, focused on improving home-school communications. Digital Tools 101 Registration Link:
11 months ago, Perry Central
Tools 101
The blood drive has been rescheduled for next Tuesday, April 9th from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on the stage in the cafetorium. Please give if you can! You can sign up to donate by going to the web site:, find a drive and put in the zip code 47551. Follow the prompts and sign up or you can also register on the Red Cross App. Units collected will count towards Perry Central’s senior Lilly Hurm's scholarship dollars!
12 months ago, Perry Central
blood drive
Don't forget, if you sold Merkley Meat this needs to be picked up tomorrow, April 6th! Grades 5-7 will pick up at the pavilion. 5th/6th grade will pick up at 8:00 AM and the 7th grade at 8:45. Grades 8-12 will pick up in the bus parking lot. Grade 8th-10th pick up at 8:00 AM and grades 11th-12th at 8:45. All orders must be picked up on Saturday, April 6th by 9:30 AM. Thank you!
12 months ago, Perry Central
Merkley Meat Pick Up
Perry Central Family Outreach is collecting and recycling old PSC Phone Books. Please help us reach our goal of collecting over 700 phone books. We will receive 50 cents for each book collected and recycled. All proceeds go towards purchasing school supplies. Phone books can be sent with students or dropped off at any office. The last day for phone book donations is April 26, 2024.
12 months ago, Perry Central
Phone Book
Family Open Centers serve as an opportunity for parents and caregivers of preschool age children to socialize with other parents and children. Sessions are the 1st and 3rd Friday of the month from 8:30-10:30 a.m. The next session is this Friday, April 5th. Open centers will be held in Preschool Classrooms, please check in at the elementary office. This is for current and incoming PK students. For more information email Brittney Carter at
12 months ago, Perry Central
Open Center
Come out Saturday April 20th to catch our Spring play brought to you by Perry Central's Drama Club. Tickets are only $6 at the door.
12 months ago, Perry Central
UPDATE: The Blood Drive schedulded for today, April 2nd at Perry Central has been cancelled. A make-up date is yet to be determined. Don't forget about the blood drive tomorrow, April 2nd from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The location has been moved from the HS Gym to the stage in the cafetorium. Please give if you can! You can sign up to donate by going to the web site:, find a drive and put in the zip code 47551. Follow the prompts and sign up or you can also register on the Red Cross App. Units collected will count towards Perry Central’s senior Lilly Hurm's scholarship dollars!
12 months ago, Perry Central
blood drive
Thanks to Mr. Michael Jarboe's class and seniors Haylee Mitchell, Elizabeth Harpenau, Kari Bryant, and Alyssa Goffinet who helped create the anchor for our 2024 yearbook cover that is now displayed in the front entrance of the high school. We also want to thank Danny Bolin Photography for making our cover design come to life! If you haven't yet had a chance to purchase a yearbook, Friday, April 5, is your last chance to do so! See Yearbook Adviser, Mary Jo Hagedorn, if you have any questions.
12 months ago, Perry Central
Don't forget to register for Cyber Smart: Keeping Students Safe in an Online World. The workshop is tomorrow, April 2nd from 6:00-7:30 p.m. in the Elementary Cafeteria. Registration link is below, a light meal will be provided. Cyber Smart is a workshop for parents to learn about the technology that children are navigating and how to help them stay safe. Cyber Smart Registration Link:
12 months ago, Perry Central
Cyber Smart
Happy Easter, Commodores!
12 months ago, Perry Central
Perry Central Business Professionals of America is hosting a "Princess & Knights" Dance on Saturday, April 13th, from 5:00-7:00 p.m., for ages preschool-6th grade. Bring your knights (Dad, Uncle, Grandpa, etc.) and come dance the night away. The cost is $35 per couple, $5 for each additional Princess, cost includes snacks, drinks, door prizes, roses, tiaras, and a 5 X 7 professional photo of the couple. All proceeds benefit PC BPA, if you have any questions contact Mr. Ian Thackrey.
12 months ago, Perry Central
This past Tuesday Perry Central welcomed AVID classroom students in grades 6th-8th to a Parent Night. Students were able to share their learning throughout this experience and eat supper with their families! Thanks to Brennan Malone, Abe Schwartz, Jessie Bryant and Jamie Guillaume for their leadership. #good2bgreen
12 months ago, Perry Central
Earlier this week 4th and 5th grade students learned about Holi, also known as Festival of Colors in art class. This is a Hindu holiday that is celebrated at the onset of spring. This year during recess the students celebrated with their own version of the throwing of colors on March 25th. The kids loved this! #good2bgreen
12 months ago, Perry Central
Don't forget to register for Digital Tools 101. This workshop will be held on Tuesday, April 9th from 6:00-7:30 p.m. in the Elementary Cafeteria. Registration link is below, a light meal will be provided. Digital Tools 101 workshop is about digital tools related to your child’s education, focused on improving home-school communications. Digital Tools 101 Registration Link:
12 months ago, Perry Central
Digital Tools
T-Ball registration is open until Wednesday, April 10th. Boys and girls 4-6 years of age by May 1, 2024, may participate. If you have questions, please contact Deann Anson at 812-489-0931. Click on the link for more information and registration papers.
12 months ago, Perry Central
Reminder, no school tomorrow on Good Friday and there is no school on Monday, April 1st for Professional Development Day! Enjoy your long weekend, Commodores and Happy Easter!
12 months ago, Perry Central
We want to thank Dinah Harpenau with For the Honor of the Light Energy Healing for visiting our CIA after school yesterday. Dinah provided the students with a sound immersion experience. #good2bgreen
12 months ago, Perry Central
This season, the 5th grade basketball team’s journey was filled with both challenges and triumphs. The A team concluded their season with a 9-5 record and the B team finished at 3-5-1. The season was marked by several noteworthy victories, with standout wins against Lincoln Trail, Huntingburg, and two wins against Cedar Crest. What truly defined this team, however, wasn't just the numbers on the scoreboard but their understanding of collective effort. Statistical leaders fluctuated game by game, highlighting the team's commitment to playing as a cohesive unit rather than relying on individual performances. Reflecting on the season, the coaches emphasized the growth and maturation of the players. Many started the season with minimal experience in organized basketball but ended it with a profound understanding of teamwork and strategy. Sportsmanship was another key aspect of the team. Regardless of the outcome, the players consistently exhibited respect for their opponents, embodying the values instilled by their coaches. Amidst the serious moments, there were also humorous instances that added color to the season. One unforgettable memory involved a player showing up to a game wearing crocs after forgetting his basketball shoes at home. He wanted to play no matter what, even if that meant playing in his crocs. However, another player graciously lent him a pair, this leading to the player having a stellar game, “in someone else’s shoes.” As the season drew to a close, the 5th grade boys basketball team emerged not only as better players but also as better individuals, embodying the spirit of teamwork, sportsmanship, and perseverance. With a solid foundation laid, they look forward to building upon their experiences and achievements next year as they enter middle school. Coach Derek LaMar voiced, “The team grew up quite a bit this year. Coming in, we had several kids that hadn't played organized ball before. Working together, they were able to achieve success. They learned a lot about the game of basketball and how it requires all 5 guys to compete on the floor. We're looking forward to building on the foundation from this year.”
12 months ago, Perry Central